Monday 13 February 2012

NOTD; Purple Combo

Good Morning :)

So today, my blog post is going to be about my nails :) I havent done one of these so I'm pretty excited!
I'm going to call these post NOTD; nails of the day, although I tend to wear the same manicure for a couple of weeks. I will try to do these type of blogs often but no promises haha

Anyways, I came home from school on Friday and wanted to paint my nails. I was stuck for choice! So I decided to do a combo of two and I love this one!

I think im in love :')

I love this combination of the dark and light and it cheers me up when the weather is as awful as this

I used 2 Barry M Colours, Bright Purple and Berry Ice Cream :)

I love wearing alternate nail polishes as it's not as boring as my usual manicure and I never get bored of it :)

Sorry the lighting is terrible, I blame my camera and the English weather.

Do you like wearing alternate nail polishes or is it not for you?


Sunday 12 February 2012

Tips for growing nails

Hey :)

So now for my second post :D

I was a nail biter. CONFESSION. The state of my nails were absolutely horrible! They used to be bleed and hurt like crazy. I cringe everytime I think about it now :(

BUT one day (a couple of months ago), I decided to stop. I'd been starting to watch alot of beauty guru's on youtube by now and I was so jelous at the state of their nails and how disgusting mine were that I had to stop. So as someone who knows how incredibly diffucult it is to grow your nails, here's some tips :)

Nails aren't going to grow overnight, fosho. They're not even going to grow in a week, it going to take several months for them to repair and start growing. I know it's hard because I wanted my nails to grow so badly and when I saw no results, I was disappointed. Just mark what day you stopped biting your nails and then next month, see how much they've grown. You could also take pictures if you want, to measure your nail growth. So a picture the first day you stop biting your nails and every week after that. Then after a couple of weeks, you'll be able to visulise the difference and be proud of yourself :)

Now, water is great for the whole body, we all know that. And water is great for your nails too. It's just good for you, your skin, your hair, your nails. So aim to drink atleast 1.5L a day, or 7 cups. What I do is that I fill up my water bottle in the morning and throughout the day, in school, i sip on it. You're much more likely to drink water if you have a water bottle on you so go invest in one! They're like 50p and you can reuse them again and again.

Massaging your nails for 1 minute each promotes blood to the ends of the tips, promoting them to grow. This is the one of the easiest things to do when wanting to grow your nails. If you're in a boring lesson, just spend 10 mins massaging your nails and cuticles, it's what I do ;)

Invest in a nail polish. Just pop to your local drugstore and buy a shade you really like. That'll be your little treat and motivation to grow your nails. You dont have to spend loads, Barry M, for example, have loads of shades and they're very inexpensive. This worked for me :)

Most of the time, we buy our nails because we're nervous or we have nothing to do. So instead of biting your nails when your nervous or bored, get something else. Wear a ring and fiddle around with that instead of you nails or a bracelt. We arent allowed to wear jewellery to school so I used to keep some blue tack with me and fiddle around with it when I was bored and wanted to bite  my nails

Before going to bed, moisture with a hand and nail cream. Your body grows and heals when your sleeping and hand and nail cream will help that. Also, alot of the hand and nail creams out there condition and strengthen nails to stop them from breaking. I use Vaseline hand and nail cream :)

So those were my tips for growing nails. Comment below and tell me if any of these worked for you :)

Also, a shoutout to Zoe, who is my first follower. THANKYOU :)


Monday 6 February 2012

Nail Polish Collection Overview

Hey you guys,

Thanks for checking out my blog.

So I've just made this blog and I was wondering what my first blog should be about.

Then I got the idea of doing my nail polish collection blog, seeing as my blog will be based upon nail polish and allthingsnail, as my blog is called :P

SO, lets get started;

First, I'd like to just say that this isnt the biggest nail polish collection in the world, I've only been collecting for some months now and tend to get a couple a week. Im not bragging in any way and to  be honest, I wish I had more :P


This I, understand, is a weird way to store my nail polish. I know many people have nail polish racks or keep them in drawers or something like that. However, when I started to get into nail polish, I needed somewhere for them to be out of the way, easily storable, and keep my nail polishes together and organised. That when I thought...


Haha, I can already hear some of you going 'WHAT?!' but it's true. I store my nail polishes in a straightner case. It's my Nicky Clarke straightner case which I got a couple of years back as a present and it's been of no use to me till now . It's a perfect storage option if you havent got the world's biggest nail polish collection and you dont need to spend tons of money of rack and drawers :)

Okay, now my nail polishes. Oh and I will be going in depth of all these nail polishes soon and will do a review on them too. This is just an overview. My next blog post will be on the different brands of nail polish and also the individual ones. So watch out for that!

Yep, that it!

So let's get onto individual brands now. I have N07, Barry M, Rimmel Lycra Pro, MUA and Maybelline Forever Strong Pro.


I have 5, and I got these when boots had the No7 vouchers when you spent over £5, making these £2 a pop! BARGAIN!

L-R; So Smooth Base Coat, Stay Perfect Top Coat, Misty Blue, Cheeky Chops, Highland Mist.

I've only tried the base and top coat and I love it! The base coat protects me from stains and to be fair, it does its job and the top coat; OMG i cannot rave about this enough! I put this on and my nails are chip free for 2 weeks! That's right, 2 bloomin' weeks!

I have to say that cheeky chops is my favourite colour :)

I shall review all these as I wear them.

Barry M;

I have loadsssssss of Barry M as I loveeeeeee them. They have the best colour, their formula is great and they only cost £2.99 a bottle, so it's great quality on a budget.

I have; 3in1 basecoat, topcat and nail harderner, Matt White, Peach Melba, Strawberry Ice Cream, Berry Ice Cream, Mint Green, Blueberry Ice Cream, Mushroom, Bright Pink, Coral, Yellow, Spring Green, Cobalt Blue, Fuschia, Bright Purple, Indigo and the White Crackle.

They're all gorgeous but I have to say my favourites are Berry Ice Cream and Cobalt Blue :)

Rimmel Lycra Pro

I have; Matte Top Coat, Oyster Pink, Show Off, Hot Gossip and Black Pearl.

I currently have oyster pink on my nail. It is a gorgeous light pink with shimmer and looks different in different lights. It's one of my favourites and I shall review it asap :)


I have; Shade 21, 15,8, 1 and 2. I hate that these dont have names :(

Anyhoo, these nail polishes are £1! Yep, £1 from the superdrug brand MUA. You get 6.2ml which isnt bad and the colours are allright. They dont really have long staying power so a good topcoat is needed. However, I tend to wear these for a couple of days anyway so these are good for those school girls who can only wear nail polish on the weekends on a budget.

My favourite is the 4th one from the left. It's absolutely gorgeous. It looks black in some lights, however, in other lights it looks...

I know! Review coming up!

Last but certainly not least; Maybelline NY Forever Strong Pro

I only have two and I only got them because Boots had a buy 1 get one half price deal on them :L

The first one is French Manicure and the other is Hot Salsa.

I love the shape of the bottle, firstly. It's unique and different and very easy to store. I wasnt really impressed with the colours of this range. They were very limited, atleast they were in my local boots.


All of my nail polishes :)

Thankyou for reading and follow if you'd like more. Also, share some of your favourite colours in the comments.
